Gatesworth Stories —
Celebrate Your Independence
Create the Life You Want to Live
As our nation celebrates its birth on Independence Day, seniors may be wondering how to continue to enjoy their independence in their later years. One way is to move to a senior living community like The Gatesworth, a place dedicated to giving residents the opportunity to embrace new experiences, new friendships and the joys of family.
“At The Gatesworth, independent living means each of our residents can enjoy life on their own terms,” explains executive director Carrie Montrey. “Our dedicated staff is on hand to make life easier, offering services that help free up the time our residents want to spend pursuing their passions. We also believe independent living means giving residents the flexibility to choose what they need to make their lives satisfying. We hear all the time from residents whose only regret in choosing The Gatesworth is that they wish they had done it sooner.”
The Gatesworth’s founders created a community that would adhere to a simple philosophy: “The answer is yes. What was the question?” The staff continues to honor that intention, which means the seniors who make The Gatesworth home have a lifestyle that perfectly suits them. This includes having an apartment customized to suit individual needs, onsite restaurants offering different meal options, and a wealth of opportunities to get out and visit St. Louis attractions. The Gatesworth also promotes safety with 24-hour security and emergency response systems.
Seniors living at The Gatesworth are able to create the life they want to live — down to the smallest details — and the choice is always theirs. Resident Nancy Schapiro has lived at The Gatesworth for seven years and enjoys getting to choose from the array of programs offered.
“I like all the activities,” she says. “They have speakers and programs and things that will keep you busy all the time. I’ve taken fitness classes and play dominos.”
“Residents can take classes, garden, exercise, attend concerts, learn new hobbies and even enjoy reading in their apartment,” Montrey confirms. “We offer all that — and much more — making it possible for residents to easily embrace life their way. And our highly trained staff make sure that the quality of life our residents want is right outside their door.”
From doormen to fitness instructors, wait staff to housekeeping, The Gatesworth does it all. Residents have the time to enjoy themselves knowing that chores like lawn care, appliance repair and household maintenance are taken care of.
“We think good friends are an essential ingredient in seniors’ lives,” Montrey adds. “That’s one of the reasons we offer so many community focused events at The Gatesworth: things friends like to do together and the kinds of experiences that help forge new friendships.”
Schapiro agrees: “There are a lot of very nice people here. That’s the best thing that one can ask for.”
If you’re looking to continue living your best, independent life, look no further than The Gatesworth. “We love talking to people about senior living by phone, too, even when there’s no immediate plan to move,” Montrey says. “We’re here to offer information and provide support at every step of the way.”
Today, more than ever, living one’s senior years is indeed something to celebrate.