Gatesworth Stories —
2021: The Year of Possibility
Living a Healthier Life
Though December 31st usually doesn’t look all that different than January 1st, it certainly can feel different. The first day of any adventure feels like, well, an adventure! So, it is with 2021. Though much is the same, especially given the pandemic that has disrupted all our lives, it feels new. And has inspired many of us to make resolutions aimed at living a healthier life, from this year forward.
These kinds of resolutions aren’t new — and they certainly aren’t surprising given all we’ve been through lately. Last year saw a surge in the practices of meditation and yoga as ways to manage stress, isolation and uncertainty. It also saw people taking advantage of their time at home to eat better and exercise more often.
Even if you’ve made your resolutions already, there’s no reason not to lean a little harder into a healthy 2021. It’s no secret that the secret to aging well is found in staying active, eating the right foods, practicing self-care and exercising the mind. Why not make 2021 the year you think less about growing older and more about becoming healthier?
Following are some suggestions to consider:
Keep moving, indoors and out. 2020 taught us that we can accomplish a lot when we stay home. And that includes exercise. If you began a new regimen last year, use 2021 as the reason to achieve greater consistency. Turn your living room into a gym with chair exercises and a yoga mat when it’s cold and icy or take advantage of our on-site gym. But don’t forget the value of being outdoors, where vitamin D is plentiful. A simple walk around The Gatesworth’s beautiful walking path can benefit the mind, body and soul.
Eat for health. Cooking more than ever these days? That makes it easier to include the foods that help keep the body running optimally. If you’ve already added more fruits and vegetables to your diet, this is the year to achieve the five-servings-per-day goal. Need some motivation? Whole-grain and plant-based diets are better for your body and our planet.
Consult an expert. Healthy living includes a thorough physical exam. Schedule one with your primary care provider in 2021. When you visit, you can find out about the vaccine for COVID-19 and make sure you’re up to date on any other vaccines that might help you prevent illness. Don’t forget to compile a list of questions and concerns before your visit. You’ll leave with answers that will make a difference.
Maintain your brain. Crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, Scrabble, card games, books, music. All of these can help keep your mind fresh. Commit to brain health in 2021. Listen to music, learn the piano or the guitar. Take advantage of the art classes and speaker series that are available right here at The Gatesworth. You don’t have to excel at any of these to reap the benefits. You can exercise your brain by keeping a journal, writing a memoir, sending letters and emails to friends and family. An optimistic sense of self and strong ties to your community and those you love are foundations for health.
Even as we continue to wait out this pandemic, The Gatesworth is here to support your commitment to a new and better year. How can we help you?